Basic Info

Fission Yield

n-XS summary

Information about Krypton-83:

WikipediaNeutron Cross SectionsX-Ray TransitionsX-Ray Attenuation

Fission Yields
Fissile with Neutron Energy Yields ( sum = 2 )
Direct Accumulated
U-235 with 0.0253 eV 1.21314E-07 5.38052E-03
U-235 with 1.0 MeV 4.17943E-08 5.70531E-03
U-238 with 1.0 MeV 1.68682E-09 3.86596E-03
Pu-239 with 0.0253 eV 3.25875E-07 2.94999E-03
Pu-239 with 1.0 MeV 2.28655E-07 3.08572E-03

Fission Yields to Meta State
Fissile with Neutron Energy Yields ( sum = 2 )
Direct Accumulated
U-235 with 0.0253 eV 2.80524E-08 5.37933E-03
U-235 with 1.0 MeV 8.41314E-09 5.70412E-03
U-238 with 1.0 MeV 3.39554E-10 3.86518E-03
Pu-239 with 0.0253 eV 7.53544E-08 2.94908E-03
Pu-239 with 1.0 MeV 4.60279E-08 3.08488E-03
CSWEG, ENDF/B-VI Summary Documentation, Report BNL-NCS-17541 (ENDF-201) (1991)