Information about Platinum-195:

WikipediaNeutron Cross SectionsX-Ray TransitionsX-Ray Attenuation

    Mass-Energy Data:

    Atomic Mass:194.964774±0.000003amu
    Excess Mass (Δ):-32.812385±0.002927MeV
    Binding Energy:1545.696767±0.002939MeV
    β- Decay Energy:-0.226800±0.001000MeV
"The 1995 update to the atomic mass evaluation" by G.Audi and A.H.Wapstra, Nuclear Physics A595 vol. 4 p.409-480, December 25, 1995.
Radioactive Decay Data:

  • Atomic Percent Abundance: 33.8%
  • Spin: 1/2-
  • Stable Isotope
    Meta state at 0.259 Mev
  • Spin: 13/2+
  • Half life: 4.02 days ( 347328 sec., λ = 1.99566×10-06 s-1)
  • Mode of decay: γ (IT)  (Q = 0.259 MeV)

  • Possible parent nuclides:
    β- from
    E.C. from
R.R.Kinsey, et al.,The NUDAT/PCNUDAT Program for Nuclear Data,paper submitted to the 9 th International Symposium of Capture-Gamma_raySpectroscopy and Related Topics, Budapest, Hungary, Octover 1996.Data extracted from NUDAT database (Jan. 14/1999)
Magnetic Dipole Moments and Electric Quadrupole Moments
Ex(kev)T1/2Spin    m(nm)    Q(b)    Ref. Std.MethodReference
0stable1/2- +0.60952(6) [23Na]NPR 81 20 (51)
990.17 ns3/2- -0.62(6) [195Pt]MEPR 155 1339 (67)
1300.62 ns5/2- +0.90(6) [195Pt]MEHPAc 46 735 (74)/NP A181 289 (72)
21149 ps3/2- +0.16(3) CEADPR C6 388 (72)
23970 ps5/2- +0.64(9) TFNP A568 617 (94)
+0.52(5) IMPACZP A270 163 (74)
2594.02 d13/2+ 0.606(15) [195Pt]NMR/ONPRL 28 720 (72)
sign negative NO/CPZP A340 235 (91)
+1.4(6) NO/SPL 158B 371 (85)/HFI 22 47 (85)
3899 ps5/2- +0.39(10) TFNP A568 617 (94)
455>10 ps5/2- +1.6(6) TFNP A568 617 (94)
5089.7 ps7/2- +0.55(8) TFNP A568 617 (94)
544>2.8 ps5/2- +1.5(4) TFNP A568 617 (94)
56314 ps9/2- +1.55(12) TFNP A568 617 (94)
6136 ps7/2- +1.4(4) TFNP A568 617 (94)
667(16 ps)9/2- +1.52(16) TFNP A568 617 (94)
679>2.8 ps7/2- +1.2(3) TFNP A568 617 (94)
N. J. Stone, Table of Nuclear Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments, to be published.  2000 Courtesy of T. Burrows at BNL/NNDC.