Basic Info

Fission Yield

n-XS summary

Information about Tin-116:

WikipediaNeutron Cross SectionsX-Ray TransitionsX-Ray Attenuation

    Mass-Energy Data:

    Atomic Mass:115.901744±0.000003amu
    Excess Mass (Δ):-91.524722±0.002982MeV
    Binding Energy:988.680497±0.002986MeV
    β- Decay Energy:-4.706918±0.005142MeV
"The 1995 update to the atomic mass evaluation" by G.Audi and A.H.Wapstra, Nuclear Physics A595 vol. 4 p.409-480, December 25, 1995.
Radioactive Decay Data:

  • Atomic Percent Abundance: 14.54%
  • Spin: 0+
  • Stable Isotope

  • Possible parent nuclides:
    β- from
    E.C. from
R.R.Kinsey, et al.,The NUDAT/PCNUDAT Program for Nuclear Data,paper submitted to the 9 th International Symposium of Capture-Gamma_raySpectroscopy and Related Topics, Budapest, Hungary, Octover 1996.Data extracted from NUDAT database (Jan. 14/1999)
Magnetic Dipole Moments and Electric Quadrupole Moments
Ex(kev)T1/2Spin    m(nm)    Q(b)    Ref. Std.MethodReference
12940.36 ps2+ -0.3(2) TFPR C22 97 (80)
-0.17(4) ESPR C14 952 (76)
+0.08(8) CERPR C12 1462 (75)/NP A154 499 (70)
2366370 ns5- -0.376(3) TDPADCf73Mun 1 256 (73)
0.26(3) [116Sn 3548]TDPADPL 55B 293 (75)
0.28(3) [118Sn 3108]TDPADHFI 2 326 (76)
3548904 ns10+ -2.326(15) TDPADCf73Mun 1 256 (73)
0.50(5) Est from B(E2)PL 55B 293 (75)
N. J. Stone, Table of Nuclear Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments, to be published.  2000 Courtesy of T. Burrows at BNL/NNDC.