Group Members Professors
Michael Philip Short
Focus Area: Tricky radiation and coupled effects
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Associate Professors
Youho Lee (SNU, Korea)
Focus Area: Corrosion in FLiPb, in-situ Zircaloy hydride analysis
Research Scientists
Sara Elizabeth Ferry
Active Projects: Focus Area: ARC vacuum vessel and blanket tank materials design
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David Fischer
Focus Area: Irradiation enhancement of REBCO superconductors for fusion energy
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Administrative Assistants
Postdoctoral Associates
Graduate Students
Stanley Chang Jointly supervised by Zach Hartwig
Focus Area: Proton Cyclotron Irradiation for Examining Fusion Materials
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Max Rae Chu Mentored by Angus Wylie
Focus Area: The neutron-ion handshake - Replicating neutron damage with multiple ion beams
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Alexis Rustam Devitre (He/Him) Jointly supervised by Zach Hartwig Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Degradation and recovery of superconducting properties under irradiation at cryogenic temperatures
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Alicia Elliott
Focus Area: The neutron-ion handshake - Replicating neutron damage with multiple ion beams
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Zoe L Fisher (she/her) Jointly supervised by Dennis Whyte Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Current pulse annealing of irradiated high-temperature superconductors
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Nayoung Kim Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Impurity-driven irradiation/corrosion in molten salts
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Aurélien Legoupil
Focus Area: Radiation defect analysis of fiber optics for fusion magnet quench detection
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Avery Nguyen (they/them)
Active Projects: Uranium Forensics Focus Area: Measuring radiation damage of PCTFE gaskets for nuclear enrichment forensics
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Brianna Ryan Jointly supervised by Joe Formaggio
Focus Area: New neutrino detection techniques for nuclear safeguards
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Keshav Vasuveda Jointly supervised by Sara Ferry
Focus Area: Corrosion of SiC with sintering additives
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Undergraduate Student (UROP)s
Hannah Agwunobi Mentored by Stefano Segantin
Focus Area: Predicting radiation resistance with potential energy landscape heterogeneity
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Emilio Ahuactzin-Garcia Mentored by Emre Yildirim
Focus Area: TGS analysis of Tungsten-Tantalum compounds for FEM modeling
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Paola Amadeo Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Stored energy of irradiated silicon carbide
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Liliana R Arias Mentored by Avery Nguyen
Active Projects: Uranium Forensics Focus Area: Forensic Uranium Enrichment Reconstruction of Maraging Steels via Oxide Swift Ion Track Etching
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Rome O Campbell Mentored by Stanley Chang
Focus Area: Quantifying spinodal decomposition-induced stiffening
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Merrill K Chiang Mentored by Max Chu
Focus Area: Quantifying spinodal decomposition-induced stiffening
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Aaron De Leon Mentored by Weiyue Zhou
Focus Area: Impact of grain orientation on molten salt corrosion
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Samuel Engebretson Mentored by Alexis Devitre
Focus Area: Deducing defects in high temperature superconductors during irradiation using transient grating spectroscopy
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Abby S Kaplan Mentored by Max Chu
Focus Area: Quantifying spinodal decomposition-induced stiffening
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Samantha Karlson Mentored by Angus Wylie
Focus Area: Irradiation induced changes in metal hydride thermal transport
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Matthew H Kim Mentored by Max Chu
Focus Area: Quantifying spinodal decomposition-induced stiffening
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Edward Lu Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Simulating Irradiation Tolerance of Superconductors for Fusion with First Principles Atomistics
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Katherine L Pan Mentored by David Fischer
Focus Area: Designing a Robust Test Stand for High Temperature Superconductors for Fusion Magnets
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Celstina Pint Mentored by Nayoung Kim
Focus Area: Corrosion in molten fluoride salts
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Jonas A Rajagopal Mentored by Benjamin Dacus
Focus Area: Designing a Modular TGS System for the MIT Cyclotron
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Lily Sensen Jointly supervised by Haruko Wainwright
Focus Area: Neutron Activation Analysis on Toenails, Rice, and Honey for Environmental Monitoring
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Trace St. Julian Mentored by Jonas Rajagopal
Focus Area: Non-destructive asessment of reactor pressure vessel health
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Visiting Scientists
Peri Landau (NRCN)
Focus Area: Uranium high entropy alloys, Wigner energy of neutron irradiated beryllium
Visiting Students
Luigi Bana (PoliMi, Italy)
Focus Area: Enhancing corrosion resistance in molten salts with tailored tungsten coatings
Andrea Stinchelli (PoliMi, Italy) Mentored by Adria Peterkin
Focus Area: Neutronics and thermophysical properties of FLiPb molten salt for fusion
Research Affiliates
Charlie Hirst (He/Him) (U. Mich.)
Active Projects: Wigner Energy Focus Area: Direct measurement of Wigner energy from radiation damage
Akmal Askarovich Safarov (SSU Uzbekistan)
Focus Area: Toenails for citizen science
Stefano Segantin (Polito, Italy)
Focus Area: Linking potential energy landscape heterogeneity to radiation damage resistance
Ziv Ungarish (BGU, Israel)
Focus Area: Irradiation resistance of uranium-based high entropy alloys